So Eco Brushes – Yes or No? 


I hope you’re all doing well? 

I was recently sent 2 So Eco brushes by My Cosmetic Corner. My Cosmetic Corner is an amazing website that is filled with makeup products and accessories all below RRP. 

I have known the owner of MCC for a while now,  I can’t even remember how we first started talking! Our friendship has blossomed and we speak on a daily basis (pretty much). When she messaged me and told me she was getting So Eco brushes in stock I was so excited! I had wanted to try their brushes for so long, but never got round to buying any. She asked me to try a couple of brushes out for her and give her my honest opinion. 

I received the So Eco Multi Tasking Brush & the Bronzer Brush. 

Please excuse the dirty brushes, they have been used a few times and put to the test 😊 

Firstly, the brushes are so comfortable to hold. The Multi Tasking Brush blended out my foundation really easily, and it also worked perfectly at blending out my concealer. 

The brushes are super soft and the brissels feel really nice on the skin. Not scratchy at all. 

I am in LOVE with how big and chunky the Bronzer Brush is. Again, it’s super soft and comfortable to hold, but because of how big the brush is it really helps to give you a natural bronzy look. It doesn’t pick up too much product either. 

I would 100% recommend both of these brushes.

If you want to check out what So Eco brushes My Cosmetic Corner has in stock, please go to the following link:

Thank you for reading 

Jen xxx

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